Mediation and Facilitation
When relationship dynamics become challenging, an outside mediator can make all the difference to:
see the situation clearly,
articulate what really matters to you
find a path towards collaboration and connection.
Angela provides a grounded presence and a clear structure to help you move from your places of stuckness to a place of clarity.
So often, circumstances in life change and there dynamics that need to be attended to with care. Get a little help to see you through!
You and your organization have some significant decisions to make. Perhaps you have a number of different perspectives that you don't know how to navigate.
Angela Walkley has facilitated hundreds of groups through the process, taking complex issues and finding the clear path through.
Angela is able to hold the inter-personal issues with care while navigating organizational, political, legal and community dynamics of importance.
Have you got particular dynamics that need to be handled with care? Bring in an individual who can guide you through to an outcome that addresses the needs on the table.
Experienced Facilitator:
Land Use Planning
Protected Areas Mgmt Plans, Land Use Plans, Water Strategies, fish and wildlife management plans, review processes for legislation and plans.
Social Change
Self Governance, Management strategies for heritage resources, Yukon Literacy Strategy, Community policing strategies
Strategic Planning
Visioning, policy development, strategy development, and the creation of criteria and indicators
Capacity Assessment, leadership training, communication training, conflict transformation training, transition planning.
Training in Facilitation and Mediation
Build your own in-house capacity! Hire Angela to provide you with a week-long training program that will build your internal capacity to facilitate planning processes and mediate conflict dynamics.